Commonwealth Lake Park and Cedar Mill Wetlands
Aside from Moody’s bill, my trip to Commonwealth Lake Park last weekend was fantastic. Bird-word on the street is that Green Herons nest here, plus, this spot is close to Cedar Mill Wetlands where the BirdsEye app shows a Rufous Hummingbird visited two days prior (!!). The first bird I saw though, was a warbler! The uniform yellow-green color, sharp…
Lunch walk, tricked by a warbler, and Oaks Bottom
I had a pleasant walk during my lunch break yesterday. First, I spent some quality time in the parking lot with this charming White-crowned Sparrow. In my Little Brown Bird class, I learned these sparrows are common in flocks in the winter, and they frequent parking lots in summer. Rather peculiar. I checked up on the Bushtit…
Steigerwald and Warblers!
A week ago, my boyfriend Tomas joined me on one of my best birding trips yet. I was hesitant to try out Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge before the seasonal trails open (May-Nov), but it was totally worth going. The park is a picturesque 1,049 acre setting of pastures, woodlands, and wetlands along the Columbia River with plenty to see…