Eastern Oregon – Day 3
The next morning we got up, packed up, and said goodbye to the Wallowa Mountains and hello to the Starkey Experimental Forest. Say, what? Into the fenced-in wild we went. I’d read information about a Flammulated Owl study performed in this forest. Unfortunately it was from the 80s so I had no idea what possibilities…
Eastern Oregon – Day 2
The next morning I woke up groggy but excited for the day. The coyotes had howled all night long. They are true party animals. We packed up camp and hadn’t gotten a mile down the road before I got a text from Scott, three baby Great Gray Owls on the ground and the light is…
Texas: Old Port Isabel Rd to Mexico
Heavy fog rolled in the next morning but it didn’t take long for the blazing sun to burn it off. The Lower Rio Grande Valley is hot. Each day I dug deep to my Floridian roots, sucked it up, and birded through the thick wall of humidity and heat. While applying regular applications of sunscreen…