Hits and misses at Broughton Beach
This summer has been rough at Broughton Beach. Early in the season, in hopes of a reported Least Sandpiper, I thought a quick stop after work would do. But when I arrived… No birds. Just big crowds of people. Big miss. Undeterred, I returned the following Saturday at 5:30am when I knew there’d be fewer people. So…
I took a trip to Steigerwald Lake NWR to see what the Purple Martins were up to. They were busy being birds. I love listening to them chatter. Wonder what they’re saying?… I was a bit confused by their plumage. In fact, while taking these photos, another birder on the path asked me what kind of…
Steigerwald and Warblers!
A week ago, my boyfriend Tomas joined me on one of my best birding trips yet. I was hesitant to try out Steigerwald Lake National Wildlife Refuge before the seasonal trails open (May-Nov), but it was totally worth going. The park is a picturesque 1,049 acre setting of pastures, woodlands, and wetlands along the Columbia River with plenty to see…