Tag: Northern Flicker


Since I started purposefully birding a month ago I’ve been on 12 trips and seen 67 species! It has been a joy to venture out and see what I can find. Even on cold rainy days like today. I made a quick trip to Whittaker Ponds and saw Canada Geese, Steller’s Jay, Ring-necked Ducks, Great…

By Audrey February 1, 2015 0

Whitaker Ponds Nature Park II

I made a quick visit to Whitaker Ponds yesterday morning since it is so close to home. The park was foggy, but there were plenty of birds to see. One in particular, with a lovely song, that I have only encountered by sound this year until now. Their classic conk-la-ree! song reminds me of summer…

By Audrey January 22, 2015 0

Happy New Birding Year!

Happy New Year! I hope 2015 is a great birding year. I’m feeling ambitious and excited to give it my best. I went hiking at Cape Horn in Washington with some friends on the first day of the year, but it was so cold (at or below freezing – especially with the wind chill) and…

By Audrey January 4, 2015 0