Panamania Day 8: Taboga Island, and Adios Panama
Our last day in Panama was the biggest challenge yet. Every day being in a foreign country is like a series of puzzles, and this day we planned to take a taxi to a ferry to an island and then reverse and make it back to our hotel without getting stranded along the way. All…
Trogon Trip: The beginning
Sometimes you just have to get the heck out of Dodge. Which is why when I had the opportunity to join my friends Sarah and Max for an early spring birding trip to SE Arizona I jumped on it. At the last minute we booked plane tickets, a rental car, and an Airbnb in Patagonia…
Texas: Estero to Bentsen
The next morning Jen and I left the cabins at 3am because that’s normal. Actually it’s the opposite of normal, but it’s an excellent way to make good time driving when you aren’t distracted by birds along the way. We had to drive 6 hours south to pick up the rest of the spring-break birding…