Tag: Gray Hawk

Trogon Trip: Paton House

The Paton House deserves its own post. It was started by generous homeowners, Wally and Marion Paton who loved birds and set up feeders, a chalk board for sightings, and invited birders to their yard beginning in 1973. After their passing, the property was picked up by Tucson Audubon to preserve the scenic location as…

By Audrey March 29, 2019 6

Texas: Salineño to The End

The last couple of days in Texas began with finding as many birds as possible at the Harlingen Thicket. This meant hanging with Harris’s Hawks. Watching Great Kiskadees collect nesting material. And finally getting a good look at a Tropical Kingbird (best distinguished by Couch’s by voice). One bird I was thrilled to get even…

By Audrey April 17, 2017 7