Hits and misses at Broughton Beach
This summer has been rough at Broughton Beach. Early in the season, in hopes of a reported Least Sandpiper, I thought a quick stop after work would do. But when I arrived… No birds. Just big crowds of people. Big miss. Undeterred, I returned the following Saturday at 5:30am when I knew there’d be fewer people. So…
January Birds
January was a good month for birds. Inspired by a fellow local birder friend, Jen, I’m trying out birding a 5 mile radius from home and using eBird’s “patch” options to track species. Basically, pick a few places to regularly bird and add them to a patch. It’s a good way to explore nearby parks,…
Ridgefield NWR
Here are some highlights from a recent summer trip I took to Ridgefield National Wildlife Refuge. I saw two new species! One, a Blue-winged Teal. If I’d realized at the time, I would have attempted better pictures. And Two. This barely recognizable silhouette that looks more like a deflated balloon torpedoing away, is none other than a Wilson’s Snipe.…