Tag: Downy Woodpecker

Smith and Bybee Lakes

Warblering is tough! Even tougher than finding warblers is photographing warblers! It’s a miracle anyone pulls it off successfully. Which brings me to my latest trip to Smith and Bybee Lakes. I have good news and bad news. The good news: I saw the Yellow Warbler!!! (Thanks for the tip, Laura!) The bad news: this is…

By Audrey May 31, 2015 1

Whitaker Ponds Nature Park II

I made a quick visit to Whitaker Ponds yesterday morning since it is so close to home. The park was foggy, but there were plenty of birds to see. One in particular, with a lovely song, that I have only encountered by sound this year until now. Their classic conk-la-ree! song reminds me of summer…

By Audrey January 22, 2015 0

Whitaker Ponds Nature Park

Barely 48 hours after my Smith and Bybee trip, I took the short trip to Whitaker Ponds Nature Park to see what kind of birds I could find there. The park is about 10 minutes from my house, so close that I may make regular visits to see what waterfowl are “diving” or “dabbling” there.…

By Audrey January 18, 2015 Off