Inside my 5MR
Inside my 5MR there’s a lot going on. First off, spring is finally here! It is the best of times. Although extra rainy lately, there were a few sunny moments when the flowers were blooming and the hummers were humming. There’s a lot of 5MR babies happening. This little Anna’s Hummingbird in the nest by…
Fall Yard Birding
Fall is here! Finally, the summer slumps have subsided. On one of the slow days I cleaned and disinfected all the feeders in anticipation of next season’s visitors. Healthy cute birds only please. There were some scorching days this summer, I put up the sprinkler and it was as popular as ever. As was the…
Puffins to Owls w/ Dad
Last week my dad visited from Florida to check out some apartments on the Oregon coast. He’s considering trading his eastern birds for western. Crazy, but true. We spent three nights between Newport and Seaside. My dad likes birds and packed his binoculars so our agenda was set. We started at Beaver Creek Natural Area,…