Lunch walk, tricked by a warbler, and Oaks Bottom
I had a pleasant walk during my lunch break yesterday.
First, I spent some quality time in the parking lot with this charming White-crowned Sparrow.
In my Little Brown Bird class, I learned these sparrows are common in flocks in the winter, and they frequent parking lots in summer. Rather peculiar.
I checked up on the Bushtit nest too but no one was home. Funny, they built their nest right next to the train tracks. I guess the thundering loud noise isn’t enough to deter them from a prime inner SE Portland home.
Location, location, location….
Bushtits weren’t home, but warblers were! This is what I saw:
The black, white, and yellow colors stood out to me, but I didn’t think it through. I jumped to “new warbler” and “Squeeeed” all the way back to the office. It wasn’t until after I left work to revisit the birds that I saw this:
The unmistakable “butter butt” of the Yellow-rumped Warbler. Alas, this is a year-round resident and not a migrant, whomp whomp. But, it still made my day.
Plus, it made it easier to identify the yellow-rumps on my walk today around Oak’s Bottom, they were everywhere!
I didn’t have a lot of time to explore Oaks Bottom before my “getting to know your digital camera” class at PCC, but I did come across a few other birds:
Another peculiarity hanging at Oaks Bottom, a suet of donuts?…just who exactly are they trying to attract?
Sweets and chips,
So here’s a fun challenge for you. Yellow-rumps are migrants, though many do stay year round here, and there are flocks of them moving through right now as they spread out over North America. The next time you see a flock, scan them to find ones with yellow throats (as you have here) and ones with white throats. Those are the two races (formerly full species) of the Yellow-rumped Warbler: the Audubon’s and the Myrtle. We found one Myrtle in with bunches of Audubon’s this morning on Sauvie Island. And I expect photo documentation!
OMG!! Stay tuned! I think I took some terrible pictures of the Myrtle Warbler this morning at Commonwealth Lake Park!! 😀
I had a feeling one might show up in your many photos!