
April 28, 2018 3 By Audrey

Spring is here! I’m 10-weeks post ankle surgery and finally crutch-(and scooter)-free. I’m still in a walking boot for stabilization, but I have my hands available now to hold important things like cameras and binoculars.

So I can look at important yard birds like Rufous Hummingbirds!

Such a good yard bird

And I finally got photo evidence of a Brown Creeper in the yard.

Creepers gonna creep

We don’t have too many large trees in the neighborhood, so this one’s a real treat.

I was hopeful when I saw someone interested in the nesting box we put up.

But we checked the box again a couple of weeks later and it’s still empty. I wish I knew how to make it more appealing to Mr and Mrs Chickadee.

Someone who does like a box I put up is the Mason Bees. They are our friendly neighborhood pollinators.

I put up the box, bought some live cocoons, (then bought more cocoons after the first were eaten), a few days of warm weather later and voila, a bee!

Good bee

Another great success was the Anna’s Hummingbird nest in the park by my office.

I’ve been so lucky to witness this little family grow up. Even luckier, 32 days after I learned about the nest, I got to see one fledge.


Once out of the nest, it stretched its wings, preened, and flew like a drunk torpedo.


It was interesting to see it react to flowers instinctively.

Of course that’s not how flowers work, but calling for mom does.

The feeding activity was how I found the second fledgling higher up in the canopy.

Eventually the two littles found each other.

And acted like typical siblings.


Sibling love

I’m going to miss these two! Since they’ve fledged work is now duller now and I’ve got empty nest syndrome.

It’s a good thing there are a lot of distractions out there. Like yard tanagers! Hopefully not snacking on a Mason Bee.

Western Tanager

Spring surprises are the best.

I’m participating in Portland Audubon’s Birdathon again this spring (team Murre the Merrier!), if you feel inspired to surprise me with a donation to help birds, click here!

Thanks and chirps,
