Too cute not to share

April 23, 2015 0 By Audrey

One side effect of being open (and verbal) about my birding is that friends and family share their bird stories and pictures with me. I love it. An adorable example is from my friend and coworker, Mark Grassberger, who recently figured out which small, energetic, brown bird with a white eye-stripe had moved in right outside his back door.

Mark’s photos he shared:

Bewick's Wren

Bewick's Wren

Bewick's Wren

Bewick's Wren

It’s none other than the Bewick’s Wren! And not just one, but a little Bewick’s family.

Mark’s mom gifted him the little wooden house, he plopped it outside on a shelf by the back door, forgot about it, and poof, the Bewick’s moved in this spring. I was surprised to learn that Bewick’s Wrens are cavity nesters, who, according to Cornell, will also nest in “rock crevices and ledges, brush piles, abandoned woodpecker nest cavities, outbuildings, nest boxes, and abandoned automobiles.” Full disclosure: I’m relieved to find out it was a native bird that nested in the bird palace.

The best description of these perky birds comes from Robert Ridgway, in 1889 Ornithology of Illinois, who stated “No bird more deserves the protection of man than Bewick’s Wren. He does not need man’s encouragement, for he comes of his own accord and installs himself as a member of the community, wherever it suits his taste. He is found about the cowshed and barn along with the Pewee and Barn Swallow; he investigates the pig-sty; then explores the garden fence, and finally mounts to the roof and pours forth one of the sweetest songs that ever was heard.”

Indeed, this Bewick’s family boldly made themselves a part of the Portland community and I’m happy Mark and his family welcomed them in.

Tweets and chirps,
